Club Policies

It is expected that gymnasts of level 4 and higher will have their own apparatus and use them during training and competitions.
Please speak with the coaches about what apparatus may be necessary and where it can be purchased. A few suggestions of suppliers can be found here.
Parents attendance at training
Parents generally are not allowed to be present during the training. Parents sitting in the gym distract attention of their own and other children. It makes much more difficult for the coach to conduct the class.
The Club will be offering open lessons for the parents who would like to see their child at training once a term.
Parents are advised to enter the waiting area no earlier than 10 minutes before the scheduled end of the training.
Heat Policy
Should the temperature reach 36 degrees Celsius, as reported at 1pm on the Bureau of Meteorology website for the Melbourne Metropolitan area (, any afternoon training will be cancelled for health & safety reasons.
A notification about cancelled training will be sent ASAP on the Facebook page of the club.
Any classes cancelled for this reason can be replaced with another class. Replacement session to be taken before the end of the term within our existing class schedule. To apply for a replacement class please talk to the Coach within 7 days of the class cancellation. No refund will be provided for missed class due to high temperature.
Training Uniform
It is expected that gymnasts attend training sessions in training uniform.
Black leotards (singlet or crop top are only to be worn exceptionally during hot wheather)
Fitted black t-shirt (optional)
Black leggings or tight fitting shorts during hot wheater
Toe shoes. Gymnast may wear white socks during training, but must have toe shoes and change into them upon coach request.
Competition Uniform
It is compulsory for all Level 1 to 4 gymnasts to compete in the Club leotard (Orange & silver swirls) and wear the club fleece jacket and black leggings.
Gymnasts in Level 5 and above and Stages and above may perform their routines in individual leotards and are expected to wear the Club tracksuit for competitions. Toe shoes (no socks are allowed during routines performance)
​Orders for the club leotard, fleece and tracksuit can be made by contacting the office administration. Payment must be made prior to collection.
Photography Policy
From time to time, the Club takes photos of its gymnasts during training, at competitions or at special events. These images are used for the Club website and social media (Facebook & Instagram). The Club respects the health and wellbeing of its members, and as such will exclude images that may be deemed offensive or unflattering.
Should you wish your daughter not to appear on our images, please notify us in writing within 2 weeks of starting at the Club or 2 weeks from the start of the year.